Imagine you are walking down the beach and have just seen the most beautiful person and want to marry them instantly.
What do you do? Ask them for a date? Maybe a number? Or perhaps you just go up and start a conversation with them.
What if I tell you, that all of these methods are W RONG!
What you really should do is go up to them, get down on one knee, and ask them to marry you on the spot, no?
Well, that is basically what you are doing with your ads,
The problem with 91.5% of ads
The threshold in your ads is so high that people who are actually interested in your product say no because of the high threshold.
So what is a threshold?
The simple answer is: It’s like a barrier, in this case, it’s the barrier between you asking them something and them doing it.
For example:
“We are the best plumbers, so if you need plumbing, come to our store with the problem is and we will take a look at the cost"
That’s a massive threshold, it’s a massive ask
Now they probably have to take the pipe dimensions and write them down, get in the car, navigate to the store, go into the store, all to get a number on how much the problem will cost them.
Now they have spent a lot of energy and all morning on this number, I can tell you that someone might do that, but just by having that threshold, you have now made it super hard for the prospect to say yes.
You want it to be easy for the client to say yes.
And you do that by having a clear point in your ad.
Every AD needs a point like a dog needs a bone:
When I say that every ad needs a point I am not talking about a philosophical point, a point in the grand scheme of things, but I’m talking about a direct point, something measurable.
Take a look at this example:
“Buy this product now for 10% off”
Does that have a point? Well Yes.
Is the point measurable? No, directly, because how many people buy that product that day is not dependent on who saw the ad, it could have been a good day for the business.
Okay, so how do we write it then? like this:
“If you like this product use this exclusive code for 10% off”
it’s the same offer but now we have a code they can put in and now we can measure how many products were bought with the code plus your customers get something exclusive.
So if you feel like your ads are underperforming, Fill out the form →
and I’ll personally take a look and see what I can do with your ads.
- Oliver